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I can see that the Lightning’s file upload component does not load (the classic button is shown) when the parent model has a filtering on the record id.

Could anybody confirm if this is this another known issue, please?

Thank you!

Hello Jesus!

Thanks for reaching out. What version of Skuid do you have installed currently?


Hello Clark,

The version is 12.1.7.

Many thanks,

Sorry for all the questions… How are you Skuid pages deployed in the environment as well?


Hello Jesus,

I have tried to recreate this in one of my SFDC dev orgs, and havent been able to just yet. I built a page with a file upload component that has a parent model that is looking at the Account object. I put a condition on that model (Always On) to for a specific record Id.  I deployed the page into a Lightning Page using the Skuid page component, and I am seeing the Lightning File upload component as expected.

Could you please let me know if there is a missing piece in my attempted reproduction of the issue? Are you deploying your Skuid pages using the Skuid Page Component in the Lightning App builder?


Hello Clark,

Many thanks you for your comment.

In my scenario, the condition for the parent model is filterable default on and I set the value with a row action in a table.
The problem is indeed not found when having the condition always on.

I am using the page in a community using the ‘Skuid Page’ component.

If you need any further information to reproduce the issue, please just let me know.

Thank you!


I still havent been able to reproduce this in a lightning community, even with the information you provided… Are you in a lightning community?

                                   <action type="multi" label="Run multiple actions" icon="sk-icon-magic">                       <section title="Section A" uniqueid="sk-2DP7-115">          <section title="Section B" uniqueid="sk-2DP7-117" collapsible="no">                                

Hello Clark,

The support team has confirmed this is a known issue. I will provide a new update here once they fix the problem or detail a workaround.

Thank you!

Hello Jesus,

You should receive a response from the support team today detailing a solution to allow the Lightning File Upload to render. The root cause seems to be that with the Model condition is set to “On by Default” and with no value in the condition, the model is returning no rows which is throwing things off a bit. Normally a File Upload requires at least 1 row in a model to load properly, so it makes sense that you would run into this. 

However, I will be logging a ticket with our product team to find a more “graceful” way of handling situations like this, where there are no rows to start but there will be when the render conditions are met.

Looks like you have a well built portal in the works! It’s always exciting to see/hear what customers are building on their own!


Hello Clark,

Many thanks for your message. Indeed, I received a reply from the support team with a possible workaround 🙂

The idea is to check the ‘Query on Page Load’ option in the parent model and use a checkbox in a Ui_Only model to control when the table is displayed.
I have implemented the changes and the solution is working as expected now.

Thank you for your help!
