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When working with the date picker in the Lightning Design theme, you can still use the right and left arrows to move from one month to the next, but the circle around the date doesn’t move.  So, you can see when you arrowed over 30 days and the calendar goes to the next month, but you can’t see what day you’re on.

We on the latest Skuid install and have updated out of date themes.

The gray circle indicates today’s date in the Lightning Design Theme. After you chose a date, the date chosen will have a blue circle around it, and today’s date will still have a gray circle around it. This is by design.

Is this what you’re experiencing?

No, it shows correctly in the theme builder but not correctly on the page.

It also doesn’t show the correct hover color in either the theme builder or the page.

Do you see this behavior in a page with no custom CSS or Javascript?

Yes, we see some of this behavior directly in the theme builder:

doesn’t show the correct hover color in either the theme builder or the page.

I have not been able to reproduce what you are describing. Are you able to take a picture of what you’re experiencing for us to review? That would be very helpful to see.
