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Hi, is there a way to show the characters remaining for a character limit on the interface . Suppose if a field has a 250 character limit, to show the user filling it out how many characters are left (before submitted the page and getting an error).

I am trying to write Inline snippet code…that works on  onclick of table cell…
but field is not editable…field has lost its editable functionality… pls reply

Finally i got sucess …

Inline snippet code is :-

var field = argumentst0], value = skuid.utils.decodeHTML(argumentst1]),

$ = skuid.$;

// alert(‘adsadacaca’);

// Run the default renderer


if (field.mode === ‘edit’) {

var errorMessageBox;
var addFieldError = function(errorMessage) {
if (!errorMessageBox) {
errorMessageBox = field.element.find('.field-error-messages');
if(!errorMessageBox.length) {
errorMessageBox = $('<div class="field-error-messages">');
// alert('adsadacaca');

var input = field.element.find(':input');

var MAX_VALUE = 10;
var inputValueIsBad = function(inputValue) {
var str = inputValue;
var n = str.length;
// alert(n);
return parseInt(n);
// alert('adsadacaca');

var val = input.val();
if (inputValueIsBad(input.val())) {
var inptText =input.val() ;
var lengthText = inptText.length;
// alert(lengthText);
// Add an error
var remainingCharacter = 255 - lengthText ;
addFieldError('Remaining Characters are '+remainingCharacter);
addFieldError('Hey! Dude You can not Enter more then '+'255'+' characters');
// addFieldError('Hey! Dude You can not Enter more then 255 characters');
// And revert the value
/* if (inputValueIsBad(oldValue)) oldValue = 999999999;
input.val(oldValue); */
} else {
if (errorMessageBox) errorMessageBox.hide();


and CSS Used is

.field-error-messages { color: red;

padding: 2px;


.my-required-field textarea, .my-required-field input {

border: 1px solid #D00;

border-right: 4px solid #D00;


Well done. 

I’m curious if Skuid has considered adding this feature as an option. Would be really helpful where form filling is primary use.

Is there a generalized way to make this apply to all text or large text fields? ie a way that the JS could figure out the character limit for the field and then apply that (and do it across many fields)

Hmm…it seems this is not working code as per the post about the undocumented skuid method used here, so I think the thread should not be marked as “solved”.

I can’t find anything else on the community about showing character limits on fields or  giving the user a reasonable sense of what can be entered in a field when skuid is used as a form for data collection (and feedback if they don’t do it within the limits). Suggestions?
