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This inline javascript:

(function(skuid){<br>var $ = skuid.$;<br>$(document.body).one('pageload',function(){<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;console.log('Page Loaded');<br>});<br>})(skuid);

When I run the page with the skuid preview, it works fine. When I run it visual force on a salesforce Site, the code doesn’t execute and my console is blank.

I’m on skuid 8.15.15


should be 


Thanks, Pete. Neither works.


$(document).ready(function() {
    console.log(“hello world”);


    console.log(‘page loaded’);

No, the problem is not the ready function itself. The problem is that the script isn’t being called at all.

Skuid-- any ideas on this?

I have an inline javascript resource like the following, which runs fine in salesforce but on on a salesforce site:

(function(skuid){<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; console.log('script loaded');<br>})(skuid);


Try using $(“.nx-page”).one(“pageload”,function() { instead of $(document.body).one(‘pageload’,function(){ - oh, just realized you said the snippet isn’t getting called at all, so that won’t help you. Do you see any errors in the browser console?

No errors in the console.

Is there something about sites that I need to do differently? Is there some kind of security setting that could be getting in the way?

Searching through the salesforce documentation and forums hasn’t gotten me anywhere.


did you work out what this problem was (3 years ago…) I seem to have the same problem although a snippet I have is running on the SF page but an inline script is not, I can see it as a resource in the page but no execution, no errors.

Any guidance much appreciated


Hey Ben, what version of Skuid are you using? Are you building in api V1 or v2?

To confirm, are you seeing the issue just in the Site, or also when you preview the page from the App Composer?
