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How to authenticate in skuid. 

We need to fetch all record when ever open that page.

Showing error :
Error retrieving metadata for Model(s) associated with Data Source ‘Expocad_Endpoint’. Please check Models’ properties to ensure they are set correctly. Cannot retrieve metadata for Model without a valid Data Source, Service Url, and Request Method.


I don’t know about the exact specifics of Expocad, but it sounds like there’s an issue either in the URL for the datasource, or in your model setup on the actual Skuid builder page. It sounds like you might be using REST to connect, and if you so you’ll want to make sure that you specify the service url in the model method (dependent on if you’re trying to read, write, update, etc. data). Check out this tutorial on a REST data source on our documentation site. Here’s a more concrete example showing how to connect to Oracle. I’m not sure if it will help in your situation or not, but it has some screenshots of the model method service urls that I was talking about.

I am not able to authorized but i want to know how to call api using apex class in skuid page .? 


If Expocad supports REST/JSON, I’d highly recommend that you setup a data source in Skuid and use models to get the data.

If Expocad does not suport REST/JSON, then you’ll need to write your own proxy class to talk to Expocad and call it from the Skuid page in a snippet.  Here is an example of calling a Salesforce Apex Class.



Thanks Bill McCulloughbill, 

I will be complete task .

thanks for support.

Hi , I have try to custom apex class with java script but still face problem in skuid page .

Not any response from excpocad showing error “uncaut error No service available for class 'ExpocadApi.getExpocadApiUrl” 

Please anyone give idea !c18b77236d0e84edb709d81636286949b0b71909.png

When i have used current model in table show number of  record but header name is missing 

I have shared screen shot,219d32739033f7143d047d01f70267407dd19d86.png


It looks like you are connecting to the API. Go to the model and click on the fields that you want to work with.

If you are not seeing any fields, you may need to set the Path to Contents. See below.



Hi Bill ,

Do u have any documentation regarding integration with skuid .
if possible to sent me.
My Email Id :

Because of I am not able moved next step .

Please send me any reference document .

When U have completed to past few day .

Thanks !


I don’t have anything.  I can point you to some tutorials that Skuid has documented.

Setting Up External Connections

Troubleshooting external connections…



Thanks Bill,

I have get response but i want to set parameter in skuid data source means every time send new parameter in rest class and show different different values every request.

So i am not able to set parameter in rest class data source.


Are you talking about different ‘Header’ values (for example) that you want to send with each request that will vary with each request?  If so, then you will need to setup your own Apex proxy class and interact with the class using JavaScript.

If you just want to change the parameters with each request, just add the parameter as a ‘URL Merge Condition’ on your model.  You can then use the action framework to activate and set the condition with whatever data you have.  They work like regular model conditions.




I have more clearance about my issue , i am using data source with rest api and my endpoint is same but endpoint parameter is different to every event .

Are you saying to set parameter in URL Merge Condition in modal but Modal has not able to set .

Make Dynamic every request .

Share Screen Shot :


You almost have it.  Click on the Model name and look at the Data Source URL field.  You need to enter your parameter here using ‘mustaches’ around the parameter name.

For example, if the way you lookup the ‘expo’ is via it’s ‘Id’ then your Data Source URL might look like ->  /id/{{expoid}}

The ‘{{expoid}}’ will be a parameter that you can now select when you add your condition to the URL Merge Condition section of the model (the screen shot you sent).


