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Hey there, Love SKUID!

How would I go about creating and applying a mass-action Template similar to the Action Plans Manager (image attached below)

I’d like it to be SKUID Native instead of using their managed action plan.

I’ve built out this sort of multiple task record record creation mechanism using an action framework sequence.  For example at one point when a lead was accepted by our inside sales team the “Accept” button triggered a sequence that created 7 tasks and prepopulated them with appropriate data from the lead record, or hard coded them with different values (like the different subject lines).  

One challenge was getting the dates right.  I built some javascript that calculated dates out so that a relevant action cadence was created.  This JS would be where you accounted for “no weekends” and stuff like that. 

All very feasible. 

Hmmm … not sure Skuid should replace this. If anything, I’d look at leveraging Action Plans. Is there anything about Action Plans you find lacking?

Well, because I’m a goofball, I’m creating my own Activity Object. I don’t like the custom rules & exceptions that SF puts on their object.

The other main reasons:

  • Looking on github, it does have some bugs

  • To add additional WhatIds takes programming. I want SKUID clicks not code.

  • I don’t need it to be as extensive as this

  • I want to show all Tasks & Events in one table on SKUID

The way I thought about doing this is:
  1. Create an object called ActivityTemplates

  2. Add the related Activities to it (with their defaults).

  3. On my Project page, create a button called Add Activity Template that calls a popup

  4. Show dropdown of ActivityTemplates

  1. Option 1 - each activity template is saved as a Junction (ActivityTemplateId, OpportunityId)

  2. Load all Activities

  3. I edit Activities

  4. onSave, ActivityName is OpportunityName_TemplateName (ie: 2043_Sanford_PreListing)

  1. Option 2 - Clone ActivityTemplate Activities to Object

  2. When I select one, it CLONES them to the relatedObject

  3. Shows the cloned activities in edit mode if customizations are needed.

Option 1 would be a little more work, but then I’d know when Templates have been applied.

What do you think?

PS - Love your blog and customizations Pat. Read your bio and we’ve got similar paths. Be cool to connect sometime.

Hmmm… are you forgoing the use of the standard Task and Event objects? Thanks. So few have read my blog. It’s been neglected a little as of late. 😦 Anytime BTW. pat.vachon.77 on skype

I am forgoing the standard Task & Event Objects.

Sidenote on custom whatId (working on creating a custom SKUID whatId =)
3 fields:
UI Only: What (acts like picklist search. Searches all allowed objects). On select, update what_object and what_id


PS - Added you on skype. 

Just be sure you understand the potential issues regarding forgoing these objects as you won’t be taking advantage of any built in features and integrations that use these standard objects. I’d likely reproduce the same thing as the managed packaged using either the standard or custom objects to store the Tasks. I’d then make use of Process Builder and Flow to create the Tasks. Reason for this is that it would be leveraged by the server for use in any of your pages.

Thanks for that Pat!