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This is a formula field with currency type:

var BatchLineTaxAmount=BatchLine[i].Adj_Taxes_SOC_SEC_EE__c;

This is a field that requires a numeric value, without the “$”


How can I change this to a numeric value:


Hey @AnnaO can you share some more details about your setup - are both of these formula fields in Salesforce? Are either of them UI-only formula fields in Skuid? It looks like there may be some Javascript involved?

Have you tried it as is? Typically you’re doing calculations with a formula field it should strip out the $ automatically, so try it as is if you haven’t already.

Here’s some additional things you can try on the Skuid side.

  • When entering values in Skuid, you can use the field name in triple braces to get the raw value without formatting, for example if your BatchLineTaxAmount is your field name, {{{BatchLineTaxAmount}}} should return the raw number value without the $.

  • On the model level field properties in Skuid, you can override the field metadata, for example to change the display type from currency/formula to number.

Let me know if these suggestions help, if not please do share more details about your configuration.

Thanks! It turns out that the issue was that I had an extra “c” in the field I was referencing. Lol, I spent hours trying to locate my issue only to find that it was a copy/past error!

😂 We’ve all been there. Glad you figured it out!

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