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Since I know this can’t be done since this object doesn’t allow for it, I’d like to fake this functionality in Skuid. I can create a text field called Role. I can create a custom field renderer. I can store the Role ID in the text field and render it’s Name in read mode and render a picklist in edit mode.

The question is how as I’m still rather novice when it comes to custom field renderers.

I’ve gotten this far, but some pointers would be appreciated. Please don’t give me the solution though. Going to the “else” bit now as I know how to do this part.

var field = argumentsr0], value = skuid.utils.decodeHTML(argumentsr1]), userRoleModel = skuid.$M('UserRoles'); if (field.mode == 'edit') { // lookup values in userRole in order to display then in a picklist } else { // find the Name of the userRole based on the value in the text field called Role and display name }

Halfway there. 😃

var field = argumentsn0], value = skuid.utils.decodeHTML(argumentsn1]), $ = skuid.$, dfd = new jQuery.Deferred(), userRoleModel = skuid.$M('UserRoles'), currentUserRoleModel = skuid.$M('CurrentUserRole'), currentUserRoleModelCond = currentUserRoleModel.getConditionByName('roleId'); if (field.mode == 'edit') { // lookup values in userRole in order to display then in a picklist } else { // find the Name of the userRole based on the value in the text field called Role and display name currentUserRoleModel.setCondition(currentUserRoleModelCond,value); $.when(currentUserRoleModel.updateData()) .done(function(){ var currentURMRow = currentUserRoleModel.getFirstRow(); // set the value of the field field, currentURMRow.Name ); dfd.resolve(); }) .fail(function(){ dfd.reject(); }); } return dfd.promise();

I think I got it.

  1. Create an array called userRolePicklist
  2. Loop through the rows in the userRole model
  3. Create an object for each row and push it into the array userRolePicklist
  4. update field.metadata.picklistEntries with userRolePicklist
Moshe, Barry, Irvin, anyone from Skuid dev? Right track?

AWESOME!!! A text field that acts like a lookup field to an object that doesn’t allow lookups to it!!! 

Pat…this thread makes me smile. Four posts of you answering your own question. 🙂

hehehehe… I wasn’t willing to wait for the answer. 😉

Talking about arrays and objects like a real pro, no more javascript rookie!

Getting there. Slow but sure.

Well done Pat…