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We have a visualforce page that displays a skuid page. This works without issue for System Administrators but when trying to use the page on our other profiles we are receiving this error “Formula Expression is required on the action attributes.” <apex:page standardController=“Tax__c” recordSetVar=“c” extensions=“skuid.Redirects” action=“{!redirect}?page=Home_Page_Tax_Department”> </apex:page> Has anyone had success troubleshooting a similar problem?

Ashley, can you please post the code for your Visualforce Page that displays the Skuid Page? Thanks.

I just saw the exact same message. In my case the user had been assigned the Skuid page viewer permission set, but did not have a Skuid license and was trying to access a VF page pointing to a skuid page that had no Salesforce equivalent:

<apex:page controller="skuid.Redirects" action="{!redirect}&amp;page=MyWork"/> 

Hopefully this helps someone else.

Thanks for sharing this.

Also worth noting - I had this problem and the user had all Skuid licences and permissions but not the licence needed to access the data being shown on the skuid page. Solved when I gave them the right access to the other installed package
