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I have a table which display the history of a custom object.

Whenever I change a USER look up filed on object it creates two rows for history

like below snap shot

How to HIDE - that row with USER-ID showing in New Value/Old Value ?

Set a Condition on the Model for the field “Field” to Not Equal the “User”.


Hey - yah

But I dont want to see those rows which will display the value as ID rather than Full Name. It’s not that I wanna hide for a specific User-ID.

You want to hide any records reference ID’s vs something understandable?

If you closely observe that image I have attached
It has 2-rows for the same field USER, which is a look-up for USER Object.
Whenever we change a look up field, theere will be 2 rows created on history object which is a standard feature.

Now My requirement is to not to show those rows which have VALUE displayed as ID(18 Digit)- which is confusing for the user to refer.

I see. There is documentation on this from this page.

  • Two rows are added to this object when foreign key fields change. One row contains the foreign key object names that display in the online application. For example, “Jane Doe” is recorded as the name of a contact. The other row contains the actual foreign key ID that is only returned to and visible from the API.

You can run a snippet that could remove these rows from the model.

Hey Pat,
Thanks for the clear guidelines.

rather than removing/deleting from model, is there any way to hide rows using snippet ?

Hi Venky,

The records wouldn’t be removed. The rows would be removed, which is to say the client side model wouldn’t have the records, which is to say the table wouldn’t have the records. Basically, hiding the rows. There is a function called abandonRow() used to do this.


Hey Pat,

Thanks for your response!

I found some other way to solve this :

Add conditions to render table fields in Table (should be added directly in XML as it’s not available in UI to create)

Look at this forum post for a full explanation of showing history records effectively in Skuid: