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We’d like to be able to run the whole approval process through Skuid pages for a smooth UX.

I have built something in a sandbox for our account approval process. Currently if I click on Approve / Reject button I am taken through to a Salesforce classic page, which looks pretty ugly. At this point I can then approve or reject a record. Is there any way around this, so I can put the pages in Skuid, I am open to ideas.

I’ve heard invocable apex mentioned a few times. Is there any standardised code I can borrow from someone to get this up and running please?


Hi Glenn,

I think that these were shared in a past thread in the community here, but have you given a look at the methods outlined in this post and this example page xml from github, here by chance? 




There is a Salesforce Data Source action Submit for Approval.  You can access this in the action framework.


