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I would like to have my field editor in read with inline editing mode, however I also need the click to dial icon on my phone fields which only appears when in edit or read-only mode. Any ideas to enable click to dial while in read with inline edit mode? 

Hi Chana,

I tried to reproduce the behavior you’re describing, but I haven’t seen the dial icon you’re referring to. Can you provide any more details on how this can be reproduced?

As a starting point, here is some XML for a page I’ve been working on in researching your question. On the right column, I added a template field for the Business Phone that adds a custom clickable URL for the phone, since that might be a way to wrangle the phone field and get better control of its behavior.

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" useviewportmeta="true" showheader="true">
<model id="Contact" limit="1" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Contact">
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="Phone"/>
<field id="HomePhone"/>
<field id="MobilePhone"/>
<basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="true" showerrorsinline="true" model="Contact" uniqueid="sk-3AzN-289" mode="read">
<column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-3AzN-285">
<section title="Section A" uniqueid="sk-3AzN-286">
<field uniqueid="sk-3AzN-290" id="Name"/>
<field uniqueid="sk-3AzN-291" id="Phone"/>
<column width="50%" uniqueid="sk-3AzN-287">
<section title="Section B" uniqueid="sk-3AzN-288" collapsible="no">
<field uniqueid="sk-3AzO-317" type="COMBO" editmodebehavior="autopopup">
<label>Business Phone</label>
<template>&amp;lt;a href="tel:{{{Phone}}}"&amp;gt; {{{Phone}}}</template>
<actionsequences uniqueid="sk-3AzK-238"/>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>

Hi Mark,

I’m referring to the phone icon that appears after the phone number in phone data type fields while the ‘Default Mode’ is set to ‘Edit’, see below.

I would like to have that phone icon appear on the page when the ‘Default Mode’ is set to ‘Read with Inline Edit’. When I changed the ‘Default Mode’ (in field editor) to ‘Read with Inline Edit’ now the click to dial phone icon is no longer visible.

*This feature only works when call centers are enabled which is why you weren’t able to replicate it:
