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Our developers use Eclipse and we’re in the process of getting set up to use Github. Once configured we’ll have our SFDC metadata under Github version control, but how do we add the SKUID pages to the process e.g. get the SKUID page XML into Github at the page level rather than the page pack level?

Thoughts and pointers on version control would be greatly appreciated.

One idea and agree not optimal would be to treat the pages as a static resource e.g. export to CSV and then commit to Github. Another one that comes to mind would be to use of the of the ideas here (Page Not Found — Skuid v15.1.6 Documentation) and write a script to export individual pages.

Andy…You may want to look at Mavensmate with Sublime for your development.  It is a lot lighter weight than Eclipse with the SF dev plug in.  Maybe use Grunt as a tool to automate the upload/download of the page from its corresponding Skuid page ‘record’.

Finally made the decision to start using Sublime and Mavensmate. Pretty freakin slick!!!

What is this grunt tool you speak of?

GruntJS is a command line tool automation and build tool. Have a look at the site here

You can automate things like your static resource builds, here’s a great article from Dreamforce a few years back…

Hey pat how did you hook up mavens mate to sublime? I was able install the package fine into sublime, but I don’t get how you login to salesforce from sublime…

Thanks for the response Pat, I’m using Sublime Text 3, and the latest version of mavens mate on Windows 7. I can’t seem to open or start a new project. Everything is grayed out for some reason…

Well. This is over my head, but try this post about this issue.

Moshe…I think you need to change your user settings and let Mavensmate know what folder you want to save your projects to (the mm_workspace setting).  A project is a connection to a Salesforce org.  The folder (or folders) you specify will be where Mavensmate saves your Salesforce metadata (i.e. objects, pages, workflow; etc.).

From the screenshot you included, go to MavensMate->Settings->User.  When you see the user settings file, change the ‘mm_workspace’ value.  Here is what mine looks like:

    "mm_workspace" : k"C:\Users\mccullouw1\Documents\mm","C:\Users\mccullouw1\Documents\Git"],

Here are a couple of page links that I found helpful in setting up Mavensmate and Sublime:

Good Link on Using Mavensmate

<a title="Link:" href=""></a>

‘Version Controlling Salesforce’

<a title="Link:" href=""></a>

Gitignore file for Mavensmate

<a title="Link:" href=""></a>

Would be great to have a Skuid deep dive on this, how to setup editing of skuid pages and version controlling and all that. Since Skuid is creating developers, I think they have a responsibility to train us to be good developers 🙂

Seriously though, this is going to be key for me to be able to get hardcore Apex developers that I have to work with to take Skuid seriously. 

I found this to be a helpful starting guide, a little more thorough than the default one on

If you have trouble creating a new project like I did, and you’re using Windows 8, be sure to open port 7777. Or go buy a Mac…

Jack, This is a great question and one that should be taken seriously by the Skuid team.  They should offer up best practices when developing against Skuid.  Great question.

I’ll pass these ideas along to our training guys and reccomend that they include some conversation about this in Advanced skuid training.  It certainly is part of becoming a Skuid Rock Star!