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How do I present text in a date/ time field displaying only the date, or - right 8 characters?


Skuid uses the JQuery date control  (see  and you can create a custom date formatting.  Here is an example inline snippet: 

var $ = skuid.$; var field = argumentsm0]; var value = argumentsm1]; var jsdate = new Date(); //use skuid util to change SF date to JS date jsdate = skuid.time.parseSFDate(value); //uses jQuery UI Datepicker.formatDate tools skuid.ui.fieldRenderers.TEXT.field.mode](field, $.datepicker.formatDate( "mm/dd/yy", jsdate));

The key text is in the last line.   $.datepicker.formatDate(  XXX , jsdate  )      Use the Datepicker documentation linked above to find other options for formatting dates. 

You can do similar things with strings,  manipulating them so only certain sections of the string show.