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I have created one apex class.I am validating some data there.After that I need to display some message to skuid ui page based on the code done in apex class.
Is there any way with the hep of which I can display message from apex class to skuid UI.

Rohit.  I think you will find your answer in this thread:

Rohit, if you are performing the validation in Apex Triggers, then if you use the SObject addError() method, you can add errors that will show up in Skuid pages.

If you have a need to initiate this validation via a button click in the Skuid UI, then you should take a look at this post: Adding errors with JS

Hi all, I have a problem with skuid error mesages, I am adding errors with addError method from my trigger validation, but I do not see my error message as expected in the skuid UI
 ff.addError(‘Practice has no licensee’);

My skuid version is 6.8.20


I noticed that this doesn’t work for the fields which are available on tabs and I use a custom button to save.

I’m not sure what you mean by fields available on tabs…  Can you provide a little more insight?  We’d like to help you get this taken care of…