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How can I access the settings I have customized in the Skuid Settings tab so that I can deploy them to other SFDC orgs?

I’m particularly interested in being able to deploy component packs and data sources.

Looks like I can access the component packs from the skuid__Component_Pack__c object though Jitterbit.
But when I try to query skuid__Model_Service__c for the data sources, I get the error:

INVALID_TYPE: sObject Type: skuid__Model_Service__c is not supported

What’s up with that?


Unfortunately, we haven’t enabled programmatic access to data sources. You will need to set those up to get it to work.



A little more info for you: 

In the case of component packs, you can download the archive file from the parent org and load in into the child org manually. In the case of exporting data sources, you cannot query model services__c because its a protected custom field and does not support query. You’ll have to take the long way round and just copy over the data. 
