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Senior Jisc Management profile should have a checkbox checked on new record load

Another profile should have the record unchecked on new record load.

How can this be easily achieved, without creating a new page?

I am open to the idea of using Javascript snippet on page load action if somebody can help me with the code, my example below isn’t working, and i’m not sure how to fix it! Thanks for your help

if ($User.Profile.Name == 'Senior Jisc Management') { var model = skuid.$M('Event'); var row = model.getFirstRow(); var alldayevent = true; model.updateRow(row,{IsAllDayEvent : alldayevent}); }<br>

Replace $User.Profile.Name w/ skuid.utils.userInfo.profileName.

hero! thanks very much

Model actions would work also… for those of us java challenged )

To build on David’s suggestion, you could set up a UI-only formula field that returns a checkbox. The formula could use the merge variables discussed here:

Namely, {{$User.profileId}} could be used with a CASE operation (see “CASE” and examples here:…). 

The formula could look like this:

CASE(<b>{{$User.profileId}}</b>,"}add your 18-digit profile Id #1]", TRUE," add your 18-digit profile Id #2]", FALSE)