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I have few currency fields displaying on UI as a template field in a table.

When a field value is ZERO, it shows as blank on UI.

Here is the template formula :


{{currencyCode}} {{discountedPrice}}
{{currencyCode}} {{listPrice}}

{{currencyCode}} {{listPrice}}


listPrice - When both of these are ZERO, it shows as blank.

Expected is : 0.00

What I want to do is : display values if it’s not null (Meaning ZERO or any other value except null)

What changes should I have to make for this formula ?

Hi KVin,

It looks like the merging language we use (mustacheJS) does not distinguish between 0 and nulls for its out of the box functionality. So the template is not showing any content when both discountedPrice and listPrice are 0. You could add a section like the bold one below, but then it would treat null values as 0’s and they would show up as 0.00.


{{currencyCode}} {{discountedPrice}}



{{currencyCode}} {{listPrice}}




{{currencyCode}} {{listPrice}}

{{currencyCode}} 0.00



I think Skuid should add another built in merge function similar to {{#encodeUrl}}{{/encodeUrl}} called {{#isNumberZero}}{{/isNumberZero}} or something like that. That way you could differentiate between zero and null in your merges.
