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I am using NLX on version Edinburgh Update 6 ( connected to a Microsoft SQL database. The field I am having issues with is built as a DATE (not datetime) field in the database and the schema in Skuid reflects that. When I create a record and set the date (using a TODAY function) it looks correct in the console where it is just todays date only (6/26/24). It also is correct in the DB when just doing a SQL query. The problem arises when I load that record back into NLX it displays in the console as 2024-06-26T00:00:00.000Z and then displays the date on the table as the day prior (6/25/24). This is affecting some logic as well as its just not the correct display. I have attached screenshots as well. Any help would be great, I don’t know why its loading it as a datetime when its Date only in both DB and Schema and I also don’t know why that’s getting displayed as the day before. (Screenshot Reference – 1)Form – original record creation 2) screenshot from db sql query showing raw data 3) reload of data into a table)

Hey @ghesketh, welcome to the Nintex side of things.

This smells like timezone weirdness. Are you setting the date in Skuid or elswhere? Try using NOW() instead of TODAY(). Also double check user timezones on your Skuid site, your computer, and the data base side to make sure they’re in sync.

Hey Anna, good to be here.

I have my Locale in Skuid set to my time zone as well as my computer, the DB is set to UTC which I don’t think we can change. I was setting the date with TODAY and switched it to NOW, but that didn’t have any effect. I also saw the same behavior while editing the date field just on a table with the date picker. I have found that If I change the field type to a DATETIME in the DB and then changing the metadata in Skuid to have it be a DATE it shows the right date. My hunch is it has something to do with Skuid loading the field in as a datetime despite being just a date field and the fact its on 00:00:00 is confusing the UI.
