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Attempting to build a Calendar for our German team. The Daily Calendar isn’t displaying any Events on the Daily Calendar and showing duplicate Assigned IDs. Followed the instructions on the Skuid Tutorials and I’m not sure how to resolve this issue.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.




What model are you using for the Assignee ‘grouping’?  Can you post a screenshot of this model?



Have you seen our documentation on Calendars?

Hi Steven,

Thank you for reaching out. I reviewed the documentation and still am stuck on this issue.



Can you copy and paste the XML for this page? Is it short enough to do so? Preferably without custom objects or fields.

Sales Rep (Germany)
Subsidiary - Sales Manager (Germany)
Customer Service (Germany)

Customer Service (Germany)
Sales Rep (Germany)
Subsidiary - Sales Manager (Germany)

Sales Rep (Germany)
Subsidiary - Sales Manager (Germany)
Customer Service (Germany)

{{Subject}}-{{Type}} {{Type_of_Visit__c}}-{{WhatId}}



In looking at your XML, I think your setup for the ‘Day View’ is referencing the wrong field for the . I think it should be ‘OwnerId’ instead of ‘What_ID__c’. See below:

<eventview type="dayscheduling" searchbox="true" searchmethod="client" groupingmodel="DayModelCalendar" pagesize="" starthour="8" endhour="18" divisionsperhour="2">




Disregard that last message.  The groupingtemplate is just for display.

In your Event Source, your grouping field is WhoId.  Shouldn’t this be the ‘OwnerId’ from the Event?



Hi Bill,

Thanks for the tip. After updating the Event Source Grouping to OwnerId, the daily calendar view continues to show duplicates of the Owner ID and doesn’t display any Event details like the weekly and monthly calendars.




I am seeing what Patrick is seeing. I have a list of Events with an aggregate model of EventOwners for my grouping model. My Day View shows the list of Owners/Assignees but not the corresponding calendar entry. I have attached the XML from my page. I have only used standard fields in the page. Would you see if I have missed something. I am using Brooklyn


Take a look at the EventOwners model. You can use this to get a de-duplicated list of Owners/Assignees.



<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" useviewportmeta="true" showheader="true">
<model id="EventOwners" limit="" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" type="aggregate" sobject="Event">
<groupby method="simple">
<field id="OwnerId" name="OwnerId"/>
<field id="Owner.Name" name="ownerName"/>
<model id="EventCalendar" limit="100" query="false" createrowifnonefound="false" datasource="salesforce" type="" sobject="Event">
<field id="OwnerId"/>
<field id="Owner.Name"/>
<field id="Subject"/>
<field id="EndDateTime"/>
<field id="StartDateTime"/>
<field id="Owner.Id"/>
<skoocal rememberdate="true" rememberview="true" uniqueid="sk-1JEv8a-159">
<eventsource name="Event Calendar" createable="true" deleteable="true" updateable="true" eventclickhandler="autopopup" showdefaultbuttons="true" model="EventCalendar" namefield="Subject" startfield="StartDateTime" endfield="EndDateTime" groupfield="OwnerId" fieldtargetobjects="User" color="lightgreen">
<eventtemplate>{{Subject}} -
<eventview type="month"/>
<eventview type="week" uselanes="false">
<eventview type="dayscheduling" searchbox="true" searchmethod="client" groupingmodel="EventOwners" pagesize="" starthour="8" endhour="18" divisionsperhour="2">
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>

Thank you Bill.

I have been able to reproduce the issue and will notify this post when an upgrade or workaround is available.


Thanks for the confirmation of a problem.



Hi Stephen ,

Any update on this issue?



Hello Patrick, 

Our development team is aware of the issue and working toward a fix. We don’t have a timeline on a fix yet, but this is definitely on their radar. In the meantime, are any of the other calendar views acceptable as substitutes?

Regarding the duplicate Owners you’re seeing, the reproduction page we have isn’t showing that issue, so it could be unrelated. Is the model behind this calendar possibly grabbing inactive users? If so, perhaps a condition that checks against that would resolve that issue.

No worries. I worked around it by creating another model to the user object derived on the model I was trying to use. All set.

Hello Skuid Community ~

This has been addressed in the new Millau 11.0.2 and Brooklyn 10.0.12 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.  
