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Did you know that you can use Javascript to create your own custom formula fields in Skuid?

My favorite are the custom aggregation formulas originally submitted by @matt.davis. You can use them to aggregate data from any model and do calculation like SUMIF or COUNTIF. I’ve been building a lot of reporting pages recently and these formulas have been essential for getting the stats I want across multiple objects and data sources.

Take your data to the next level with custom aggregation formulas

Skuid allows you to do a lot of things without code. But sometimes, adding just that little bit of code can take your application from good to great. It can be that magical “missing piece” that fills any design or data gaps and makes the user...

That is amazing, I have so many use case for this, Thank you for sharing @Anna_Wiersema And @matt.davis 🙂

If i could just suggest an additional formula maybe.

Agg Count Distinct (regular & IF)

That’s an awesome idea. The aggregation formula code is public, so anyone can build out improvements and share them with the community.

@annajosephine I just found this and really appreciate it! Is there a plan to add these to the functions available in the formula field editor?

Hi Paul, it’s not on the roadmap yet, but if you’d like to see these formulas added to the product you can add this as an idea at 

This is very nice, thank you.

Note: If using this in V1 pages you may need to use “yourModel.evaluateFormulaFields();” after everything has loaded to make the custom formulas work. For some reason these were evaluating for me before the data model to be aggregated had any data in it even though it was set to load data on page load.
