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When we go to the Console view as an internal standard Salesforce user on System Administrator profile, with Skuid Permission set and licence assigned, and try to open a Case, it shows us “External Page” and doesn’t load anything, just shows a blank page.

We use Skuid in our Unlimited org and have set the “View” action for the standard Case object to a Visualforce page (accessible by profile trying to access the console Case record):

We also have Page Assignments setup in Skuid:

Hi, Dan. Which Salesforce instance is your Org on? What version of Skuid are you running? Are there are errors showing in your JavaScript console when you try to load that page?

Hi - we are on EU5. Skuid v 8.11. Not sure what you mean about JavaScript console? Using Chrome.

EU5 was updated to Salesforce’s Summer 16 (Patch 8.1) release over the weekend, and I’m guessing you were included in our Rockaway push two days ago. Trying to establish a timeline, when did the issues begin? Here’s how to open the JavaScript console in Chrome. If you would, open that up, then try to open a Case record. Are any errors showing?

We’ve only started to use console a few weeks ago and had this issue since we started trying to use console - so I can’t indicate a release that caused the bug particularly.

I can see 58 errors including this one which looks relevant ('d out custom domain):
Refused to display 'https://
***–…d13850b29644f89c9&am…’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘SAMEORIGIN’.

OK, I’ve seen that error before, and I think this Salesforce knowledge article is applicable to the situation. I took a look at the Visualforce page that you are using for your Case’s View override, and I think if you switch to using the Skuid Visualforce Component method with Page Overrides (example b in that link), it might solve the problem:

<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="skuid.Redirects" showHeader="true" sidebar="false" readonly="true" docType="html-5.0" action="{!IF(canUseSkuid,'',redirect)}" title="Cirrico Portal"> <skuid:page objectType="Case" actionType="View" /> </apex:page>

Does that address the issue?

Doesn’t seem to make a difference… Feel free to take a look, I created that new Visualforce page and updated the “View” action for case object.

Any ideas…? Still not working…
