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I’m looking to get further understanding on conditions. When a model has been loaded and then the condition value changed, does the model have to be requeried in order to display related records?


You are correct Pat. Field from another model querys are not constantly being re-evaluated to see if the parent list has changed.  You will need to requery the model that is driving the related list in order for the changes in the parent model to be effected on the related records.  Add one more step to your action list…  

To further elaborate on what Rob said, you must also include the source model in your query request.  So in this case, if you changed a condition on the TDPUCurrentTask model and then wanted to get attachments for that task, you’d want to query both the TDPUCurrentTask model and the Attachments model in the same transaction.  If you were using the action framework you’d use a “Query Models” action, and if you were using the Skuid javascript API, you’d use the updateData method like this…

skuid.model.updateData(eTDPUCurrentTaskModel,MyAttachementModel],function(){<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; // Callback code here.<br>});
