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After upgrading to Milau 11.1.1 charts are not loading when page loads.   Stuck on “loading” in the chart component.  If I manually force a query on any model after page loads, then the charts will display data.   

Checked everything I could think of.   Cloned the page and removed every model, component, script one by one to test, and still the same behavior after knocking it down to just one chart and its underlying model.

Viewing the console log, at one point had errors referring to CORS font OpenSans not accessible, but that is gone and currently not showing any errors on page load.   

Tried changing theme to out of the box standard, classic, still no change.

If I create a new chart with new model, it appears to work correctly.

Tried to move model positions up/down and unable to move them since upgrading.



Experiencing same behavior if I recreate the chart

I have found the source of the problem for Charts not loading the series data:  Split Type is a template {{StageName}}.   If I change the Split Type to a field, or use 3 curly brackets (instead of 2) it works as expected.

Worked fine with just 2 curly brackets before upgrading to 11.1.1.   I will change all of my chart split type templates to 3 brackets.


Hi Ann,

Thank you for closing the loop and sharing the workaround you’ve found. Can you share which version of Skuid you were using previously? The difference between 2 and 3 curly brackets is that a field surrounded by 3 brackets will show just the raw field value, and will ignore any metadata that field has (like the link to a record’s detail page in Salesforce, for example). 

Hi Mark,

I was on Skuid version 11.0.5 prior to upgrading to 11.1.1.   

Thanks for the curly bracket explanation
