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The charts I’ve built that use a Template as the split type have stopped working. Where the series split values would typically show up in the legend, there is just a “Loading…” message and the split isn’t happening. If I switch the split type back to “field” it works fine, but then we get the not-so-atheistically-pleasing (SUM) after all of the values.

I have so many charts on so many pages, and I always split by template because it looks better in the legend. Would love to figure out how to fix this without having to change all of the charts.

Hmmm … is the field in the model? Have you tried triple curly braces?

The field is in the model. Triple curly braces almost work! But then they get wonky when there are characters like forward slashes in the data.

Whoa!!! That makes no sense.

I’ve been getting odd chart behaviour as of late. Change it back to double braces and try again.

I’ve also rebuilt charts to discover doing so fixed them. No difference in the builder UI that I could notice. Didn’t review XML, but I suspect some rogue property in it was causing the issue.

Tried rebuilding the chart from scratch - same issues. I’m also having a lot of chart problems. Chart height property not being respected, causing the charts to overlap onto other components. :face palm:

Any characters outside 26 alphabet?

It will render the “-” character, but not “/”

So you’ve an issue with “/”?

That is one issue that I know of. But - changing the name of the stages in our sales process is not a viable workaround. 

So far we’ve only seen this happen when custom Javascript is used. Can you copy and paste the XML here for us to take a look at it?

Change it only for use in chart? UI-Only field to convert offending stage name?

This is just one instance of 50+ charts where the issue is happening. I don’t think I can go that route.

This is most certainly not expected behavior.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It appears there’s an issue in how we are loading charts when template is used. I am logging this as a known issue in our tracking system so I will archive this ticket here. There is not a target date for getting this issue addressed yet but our devs are aware of it. 

Hello Skuid Community ~

This has been addressed in the new Millau 11.1.14 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.
