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We are using professional edition currently, can Skuid bring value to Professional Edition, if so, how i am benefited? EE is somewhat expensive, please suggest

Skuid can bring tremendous value to professional edition. There are many things can be done with Skuid that could be done with it that is otherwise only available in Enterprise Edition. To name a few: custom UI (otherwise page layouts and visualforce) , action framework and javascript (otherwise apex) , charts (otherwise advanced reporting) . All these otherwise Enterprise Edition options are atrocious in comparison. Then there are all the things that available “out of the box”! Inline editing, Mass and Global Actions on tables (otherwise Grid buddy on app exchange), cloning of multiple records through multiple relationships, Skuid CRM (a custom page Pack that adds Skuid to most of the Salesforce cloud with only 20 minutes of implementation), and many many more things.

Agree with all of Pat’s comments.

It is nearly impossible in Professional Edition to make any sort of complex custom user interface, because you don’t have the ability to write Apex Code to request non-standard data to include in your pages via SOQL, or to perform complex DML operations.

Skuid basically gives you a way to do all of this — you don’t have to write any Apex Code or SOQL, but with Skuid Models, you can connect to any Salesforce data easily, even in Professional or Group Edition, and then add very powerful UI Components like our Table / Grid, Field Editor, Charts, Calendar, Wizard, and more, that connect to these Models and are able to save them (performing complex, multi-object, multi-record inserts / updates / deletes).

I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that Skuid can make your Professional Edition org nearly as powerful as an Enterprise Edition org — at a fraction of the price.

Can you create totally custom new pages with all the components in professional edition with skuid ?