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I have a pop-up that creates a case.  When I save the case record I’d like to give the user the option to create a related task.  If they opt-in to creating a task after creating the case I like the case pop-up to go away and then a new pop-up to appear with a task creation page.

Can someone drop me the javascript code to render a new pop-up?


Destroying a snippet is pretty easy with this line:


Creating one is a lot more complex. Here is an example of a popup created using JS. You basically have to spell out the XML…

var params = arguments 0], $ = skuid.$,

list = params.list,

model = params.model,

$xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc;

var popupXMLString =

'<popup width="50%" title="Error">'
+ '<components>'
+ '<pagetitle model="Opportunity">'
+ '<maintitle>' + 'An error occurred.' + '</maintitle>'
+ '<actions>'
//+ '<action type="custom" snippet="FinishCaseEscalation" label="Complete Escalation" icon="ui-silk-accept"/>'
+ '</actions>'
+ '<basicfieldeditor model="Opportunity" mode="edit" showsavecancel="false">'
+ '<columns>'
+ '<column width="100%">'
+ '<sections>'
+ '<section title="Escalation Reason">'
+ '<fields>'
+ '<field id="CommentBody" required="true"/>'
+ '</fields>'
+ '</section>'
+ '</sections>'
+ '</column>'
+ '</columns>'
+ '</basicfieldeditor>'
+ '</components>'
+ '</popup>';

var popupXML = $xml(popupXMLString);

var context = {};

var popup = skuid.utils.createPopupFromPopupXML(popupXML, context);

This looks good!  Thanks Moshe!

Thanks Moshe!

can i call one more snippet through this…

  //+ '<action type="custom" snippet="FinishCaseEscalation" label="Complete Escalation" icon="ui-silk-accept"/>' 

It looks like that line has a snippet call inside it " snippet=“FinishCaseEscalation” ". If you have a snippet with that name that would probably work. Or you might have to declare the snippet in the XML like:

var $ = skuid.$; ETC…