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I have 2 new page I am building and yesterday the conditional rendering of buttons has stopped working.  Upgrading to I4 did not fix the problem.  I can add button to to old pages just fine.  Any ideas.  I created a new simple test and the buttons conditions also do not work.


Can you post screenshots of your setup of the conditional rendering? I did some basic testing and conditional rendering seemed to work okay.


Amy. Thanks for looking at this.


This may seem a little silly but can you check that there aren’t any rendering conditions on the whole button set component?

I’m able to render a button using the model field value like in your setup, so I don’t think there’s a bug involved here.


No, I did think about that.

Was this ever actually solved? I am still having this issue!!

No it was not.  probably the same issue as this

Skuid seems to be adding a lot of features and not taking care of the basics.  When problems are identified there is a lack of communication on how and when they will fix.

Do you have any clear steps for reproducing the issue? Or better yet do you have a simple reproduction page where you could copy and paste over the XML for the page so that we can have a look at it?
