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I’m trying out the new Deck component in the unified builder. I can trigger an action from the deck on click or swipe to open a popup. Works great. However, nothing happens when I set it to open sliding panel. I assume it should work like mobile builder where on click/press/swipe a panel enters per the setting on the panel, but regardless of the trigger I set, no panel appears. Maybe I am missing something.


this is only from my experience in the mobile builder, because I haven’t played much with Brooklyn yet. Also, forgive me if I’m misunderstanding you…

You can’t set the interaction on the sliding panel itself, because the panel isn’t visible. You’ll want to set the interaction which triggers opening the panel on the page or one of the components on the page. Does that make sense?

Yep, it does make sense and you are correct. That, however, is exactly the issue. I have a deck on the page. In that deck I have a table component, a field editor, and a wrapper component (to test things out). If I click/press/swipe any component within the deck, it will open a popup as it should. However, if I set the interaction to open a panel instead of a popup, the panel does not open. The interactions are working correctly as I can trigger various events with the interactions. What isn’t working for me is opening a panel through any method.

I am having this same problem today (ver 9.5.2.)  I have a deck with a field editor, with a Card click interaction set to open a sliding panel.  Clicking on the card does nothing.  If I change the interaction to Open a Pop up, it works.  But the sliding panel action from a deck interaction doesn’t seem to work.

I knew I wasn’t crazy!

Was there any resolution? I am having same result (ver 9.5.4) Cheers!

Slight modification. If you add a button component and trigger sliding panels from there they work in chrome.

Hi guys,

We’ve notified the developers of this issue and will let you know when it’s fixed in a future release.



Any update on this? Or does anyone have a recommendation for building layers in a mobile page like you could with the mobile page builder?

Thank you for your patience! Skuid has fixed the issue you raised in the new 11.0.4 and 10.0.14 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any problems with this issue after upgrading.
Thanks again for alerting us of these issues!
