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Just updated from 9.5 to 10.0.13

Now I’m getting these two syntax errors on formula fields:

1. Invalid syntax for field formula: ROUND({{{appointments}}} / ({{{scheduleRate}}} * {{{showRate}}})) . SyntaxError: Expected “(” or x0C

x0B&nbsp;   -      ] but "*" found.<br>2. Invalid syntax for field formula: <b>ROUND({{{vulnerableCallers}}}*{{{$}}})</b>. SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".",   x0C

x0B&nbsp; - ], a-z0-9_], or ]a-z] but ")" found.<br><br><br>I made the formulas bold to make them easier to see.<br><br>Seems like there might be a problem with multiplication inside ROUND()?

It wasn’t ROUND().

If I put VALUE() around {{{scheduleRate}}} the error is eliminated (despite the fact that scheduleRate is set to return a Number). 

Hi team! I noticed this was marked solved (which is fine, since I do have a solution), but is there a bug here?
Shouldn’t a ui-only field returning a number be able to be used as a number in another formula without requiring VALUE() around it?
