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I need to create a new button override which stores prepopulated values from the parent record, specifically it’s Id, so it can be consumed in our Skuid page to create Event records. How do I do this? I’m not a programmer so lightning web components are a bit daunting! The only thing I’ve done similar before is for a screen flow, here is my code for that screen flow. I’m guessing what I’d need to create for the Skuid page would be fairly similar?


init : function (component) {

// Find the component whose aura:id is “flowId”

var flow = component.find(“flowId”);

var inputVariables =


name : “accountVar”,

type : “String”,

value: component.get(“v.recordId”)



// In that component, start your flow. Reference the flow’s Unique Name.



Cant you just put a Skuid Page in the new button override?

Yes Glenn, let us know if you’re having issues overriding the New action in Lightning with your Skuid page.

To override New action in Lightning, you do need to create a simple aura component containing your Skuid page which you can do following the instructions here
