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Please take a look at the snapshot attached here and help me how to change the DATE/TIME format displayed for OLD VALUE and NEW VALUE fields in the History Table.

Simply: At Present the date is displayed like = 2015-07-15T16:32:10.000+0000 BUT I wanna make it look like 7/15/2015 9:32 am

Venky, in the next major release of Skuid (coming out very soon!) we are going to be improving some rendering logic for special “ANYTYPE” fields, e.g. the Old Value and New Value fields in Field History tables, such that they will display the appropriate rendering format for the value that’s present — for instance if the value is a DateTime it will be displayed in the appropriate DateTime format, or if it is a number it will be displayed as a number.

This could also be done with a Custom Field Renderer Snippet, but if you can wait on this for a bit, I’d say just wait for us to improve it in core Skuid.

Hey Zach,

Thanks for your quick response.
I am quite new to this squid and no idea how to start for snippet to get this done.

can you throw some light on to how to start ?

Hi Venky, can this wait about a month until our next major release comes out? If not I can assist with a snippet, but otherwise it would be better to wait and it will be fixed by the next Skuid release.