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As per Chandra’s post here, there’s a discussion/question about how, it at all, Skuid can update standard Lightning components.

The suggested work around is to force refresh the page. Clearly not a great way to handle updating records in standard lightning components.

To me, if I were part of the Salesforce team, I’d be sure to make it possible for custom components to interact via standard events for all components.

Found this, but don’t have time to read and test.

Hi Pat, I think you’ve stumbled on some very relevant documentation for this need.

I was hoping for an easy list of standard Lightning events we can try to trigger, and so far the closest I’ve come is this list of “Events Handled in the Salesforce mobile app and Lightning Experience”

Perhaps there’s a better list available, but I chose one to test with, which is detailed below:…

To use this in Skuid, I set up an action to publish an event with a SCOPE of “All Active Pages and Lightning Components” like so:

And then I used the red + button to add parameter to the event. You can define the name of the Parameter and its value. The parameters and values you need will change depending on what Lightning event you’re trying to fire off. For that info, you’ll need to consult the Salesforce documentation. I imagine that some will be more tricky to implement than others, but this seems very promising.

Just an update - here is the full Event reference from Salesforce:


See my (longer) response to Chandra’s post — the recommended way to cause standard Lightning Components to update their data in response to data changes made via Skuid is for you, from within Skuid, to publish the “force:refreshView” event.