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This is super weird…coming from a Text component in Spark v2…even weirder because I have 3 ways the user can land on this page, and this only appears in 1 out of 3 ways…when coming from the other 2 ways, the Text component renders just fine with merged fields appropriately.

I don’t have a clue where to even begin troubleshooting this, so hopefully Skuid engineers might have an idea. It seem like this is related to Accelerated Mobile Pages project.

Hey Conlan, are you still running into this issue?

If so, I would like to try to reproduce this to dive in a little bit. Could you provide the following details:

- What version of Skuid are you running?
- Is this on Skuid Platform or on Salesforce?
- If this is available on standard objects, could you provide the page XML?

Thank you!

Hey Clark, So, we went with displaying the data in as a form component instead of the text component that was causing the issue. I believe it was 12.0.4/5/6 (can’t remember which one) on Salesforce in a Sandbox and we have since upgraded. It was happening within a wizard within a modal, which I was launching from an action sequence which activated a model condition, queried my model, then opened the modal. Hopefully that points you in the right direction for trying to re-produce. I would like to help provide the XML, but I would have to back track so much to reproduce the issue myself, I’m not sure it’s worth it. Thanks, Conlan
