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When trying to use the “+” icon to add a new row to a table, the first click results in nothing, the second click sometimes results in 2 new visible rows. But - sometimes the second click does nothing, but the third click results in 3 new visible rows.

Please see screencast here:

Hi Kaede, 

What kind of Model Data Source Type you are using? is it UI - Only.
And what is the model behaviour? is it Aggregate.

It is not UI only, it is not aggregate. It has been working normally for years and now has started working incorrectly. 

It is just a standard table of child objects. 

We noticed the same behavior on a page we built today today.  It’s an Opportunity page with inline contact role  creation.  First click on the + does nothing, 2nd click displays two empty rows.  Skuid 11.1.10, Chrome 66 in Lightning theme.

Just tried this in both 11.1.8 and 11.1.10. Both worked.

Chrome Version 65.0.3325.181 and then Version 66.0.3359.117 also worked.

Also experiencing this issue. Chrome is up-to-date and just upgraded skuid to Millau

Still having this happen. In Millau and in Spark. Updated Chrome versions as well as other browsers.

It is spotty, and we haven’t a way to replicate it on purpose yet. A refresh will ‘fix’ it, for that instance. 
