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I have a popup that contains a table. Is there any way I can make an Action “Update a field on row(s)” that will, when I save my table’s model, populate a related/parent record’s field with the value that is the sum/total of a column in my table? Looks like Actions are designed to put a single record’s value into the “Value” field of the action, but I’m guessing I don’t have access to the calculated sum on the page?

I don’t know how with Skuid/javascript, but Rollup Helper is an AppExchange app that will rollup anything via Apex Trigger. I use it all the time. Works with formula fields and can filter which child records to include in the rollup.

Peter I’m going to concur with Pat.  I know we don’t expose table summaries as a merge field (that could be put in a action step).  I also have been told by the dev team that we don’t expose table summary items in the API yet.  

Roll up summaries, or this other AppExchange app…  Your best bet. 

We had a similar rollup summary requirement but for packaging reasons weren’t able to put a new rollup summary field on the parent object. I’ve managed to put together a snippet which sums the table values for our cost field, and populates the total into a field on the parent object. The snippet is run by an action button in a wizard.

Snippet below in case anyone else isn’t able to do a rollup summary (although I do agree that a rollup summary is the best approach where possible):

var $ = skuid.$; var parentEnquiry = skuid.model.getModel('pEnquiry'); var parentRow = parentEnquiry.getFirstRow(); var childRows = skuid.model.getModel('ChildModel'); var baseCost = 0; $.each(, function (i, row){ //iterate over the rows baseCost += row.Cost__c; console.log(baseCost); }); console.log('************'); console.log(baseCost); parentEnquiry.updateRow(parentRow,'custom_field__c',baseCost);

DISCLAIMER: It still requires some conditions to test for values in each row before adding to the baseCost total. If anyone can improve it I’d greatly appreciate it.


You’re probably well beyond this, since this thread is two months old, but you can use an if statement to make sure Cost__c is not empty before you add it, if you’d like.

var $ = skuid.$; var parentEnquiry = skuid.model.getModel('pEnquiry'); var parentRow = parentEnquiry.getFirstRow(); var childRows = skuid.model.getModel('ChildModel'); var baseCost = 0; $.each(, function (i, row){ //iterate over the rows IF (row.Cost__c !== null) { //check that Cost is not empty baseCost += row.Cost__c; } console.log(baseCost); }); console.log('************'); console.log(baseCost); parentEnquiry.updateRow(parentRow,'custom_field__c',baseCost);

Thanks Jim.

I tried a few different methods on this and wound up using an || to input a 0 value if Cost__c was null or undefined:

baseCost += row.Cost__c || 0;

You’ve probably got significantly more JS knowledge than me, so I’m wondering whether the above method is appropriate or not. It’s been working fine so far, but if there’s a better way I’d love to know. 

I was getting a few errors using both null and undefined, and found that simply putting in the 0 value solved most of those errors.

Is the above method appropriate?


I’m sure the reverse is true, actually… I’m very new to javascript. Glad you found a solution!