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2 questions on the Wizard Component in Spark:

  1. Is is possible to move the step label below the step icon, similar to the screenshot here.  

  2. It looks like merge syntax and HTML aren't working in the labels.  Is this going to be added back?

John, I was able to get global merge values to show in step labels. What version of Skuid are you on?

Regarding step labels - doesn’t look like it’s supported at this point as an option for a variant in the DSS. I think you’re onto something though, and I can see how that would be helpful. Could you create a separate community post with that as an Idea? 


We’re on 12.0.6.  Here’s what I see with the global merge

Here’s the idea post:

Thanks John! So, I’m seeing merge values in step labels on 12.0.7. Looks like that went out just recently. 

I just upgraded to 12.0.8 and still have the issue.
