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Hi everyone, welcome to the Nintex Community! We made it! 
This post has tips for getting started: 

To report a post that’s outdated or a link that’s broken, send a message to

A few housekeeping items: 

  • Posts migrated from the old Skuid Community were added July 8-12, 2024. They came in roughly in age order, with the oldest posts first and the newest posts near the top. If you posted during this time, your post might have been buried, so feel free to reply on that post to “bump it up” to the top.  

  • During the migration period, you may have gotten multiple automated emails encouraging you to select the best answer to your old questions. Do it! This makes it easier for others to find the answer. 

  • Links within legacy forum posts to other posts no longer work. We’re working to implement redirects for the most popular posts. Email if there’s a broken link you’d like fixed. In the meantime, you can search for the text of the post title as this will still be the same. 

Thanks for all you do to make our Community the best it can be. 


Talk soon, 
Anna (Wiersema) Tadros @annajosephine 
Product Manager, Skuid / Nintex Apps 

Milla Zinsser @MillaZ 
Nintex Community Manager 


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