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My team consists of five individuals, all of whom use Skuid and one of whom is located on another continent.

It’s difficult to predict as and when we will each need to edit the layouts and we are running into issues with version control - long delays to implement changes because we’re waiting for another person to finish changes on the same layout, uploading an outdated cloned version of a page etc.

Have any others figured out a good system and would be willing to share best practices?

Great question.  Are you using page includes?

Our team does agile development and we use stories to represent business needs that need solutions.  We can assign stories to individuals in our team so we can see who is working on which story.  It doesn’t have anything to do with Skuid, but it might help with ideas to get team members more organized, which should give some visibility as to who is working on what pages.

Guys.  With Release 7,  we implemented tools that let Skuid pages be handled in source control tools like you would other sections of your SFDC development.  This is all pretty fresh and we’ll be providing a more thorough deep dive soon.   Check out this post for initial details:

Hey Rob,

That’s exciting news! Any idea approximately when you’ll be sharing the deep dive?
