- As the title says when I try to create a model using component factory it creates an error instead:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘core’ of undefined
I am able to bypass the error if I also create a chart with Skuid Composer, but that’s a hack and not ideal.
Use case: I have a function that dynamically creates models, then it creates charts and tables for the model.
<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning=“yes” personalizationmode=“server” showsidebar=“true” showheader=“true”>
<field id="Name"/>
<field id="Category__r.Name"/>
<groupby method="simple"/>
<skuid__buttonSet uniqueid=“sk-3SG–5262”>
<skuid__buttonGroup uniqueId="sk-3SG--5260">
<skuid__button label="Create Chart" uniqueId="sk-3SG--5261">
<action type="custom" snippet="newSnippet"/>
<skuid__wrapper uniqueid=“TestJSChartWrapper”>
<renderConditions logictype="and"/>
strXML = `
<skuid__chart model="Activity" maintitle="{{Model.labelPlural}}" type="donut" uniqueid="sk-3SEU-6021">
<axis id="axis1"/>
<axis id="categories" categorytype="field"/>
<series valuefield="Name" splittype="field" modelId="Activity" aggfunction="count" splitfield="Category__r.Name"/>
<legend layout="horizontal" halign="center" valign="bottom"/>
xmlDef = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc(strXML);
var dynamicChartComponent = skuid.$(
’);test = dynamicChartComponent.find(‘#new_div’);
var myComponent = skuid.component.factory({
element: test,
xmlDefinition: xmlDef,
type: "skuid__chart",
xmlRenderComponent = ‘’;
xmlReady = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc(xmlRenderComponent);
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>