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In our Sandbox we have installed Brooklyn to test out its features and we have noticed that case assignment rules no longer working for cases submitted through a skuid page even when “UseActiveAssignmentRule” is marked as checked.

Same page works just fine with the Rockaway…

Skuid Brooklyn Version with Issue: Brooklyn Update 1 - Iteration 1 (9.5.1)

Without case assignments we cannot upgrade our Production Org to Brooklyn. So i would really appreciate any insights on this issue.


This is a bug, which has been addressed in Brooklyn Update 1 - Iteration 2 (9.5.2), which is now available from the Skuid Releases page:

Please install 9.5.2 as this should address the issue.



Hi Zach,

I upgraded to 9.5.2 and now assignment rules are working perfectly… 

Thanks a lot for the quick response and to help resolve this issue for good… 

