I’m working on a proof of concept for our company to start using Knowledge Articles. Ideally, I would like to show articles on a page’s tab and filter the results relative to the parent record.
I’m trying to create a Knowledge article model and pass in conditions that are based on data categories. However, I’m not sure how to add the “WITH DATA CATEGORY” clause to the model’s conditions.
Take for example this data category hierarchy for regions:
Regions__c<br> Europe__c<br> England__c<br> France__c<br> Italy__c<br> NorthAmerica__c<br> USA__c<br> Mexico__c<br> Canada__c
Say, I have an article type called “Visa Information”, but I only want to show articles for relevant to countries in Europe. I can accomplish this in SOQL:
SELECT Title, IdFROM VisaInformation__kav<br>WHERE PublishStatus = 'Online'<br>AND KnowledgeArticleId in (SELECT Id FROM VisaInformation__ka)<br>WITH DATA CATEGORY Region__c BELOW Europe__c
Is it possible to do this same thing with a Skuid model?