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I am generating a URL on global action click and passing some values in parameters which are then used to set default field value on new record (which is skuid page). The field which holds the default value is a lookup field. So I am passing both SF id and SF name in URL parameters so that it shows proper name instead of SF ID. These param values are referred in model conditions to set default field values. Now the issue i think is with the URL encode. If the name is KEVIN O’BRIEN then the generated URL is KEVIN O'BRIEN. The lookup field is not set up properly. It shows KEVIN O which is incorrect. I checked by adding {{#urlDecode}} in the condition but it does not work. Pls help.

Thanks again. I will keep an eye on your next patch.

Alright, I believe this has been completely fixed in 6.8.14 which is available for install on the Get the Latest Skuid Releases & Everything That Came Before page.

It works. Thank you Ben!