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Are there any simple directions on how to upload an attachment to a record on a site?  I used this:
and it works fine in preview 

Then the issue starts when it try to upload on my site.  When I click on “Upload” nothing happens.  Are there certain objects and fields I need to make public?  

I saw this:…  

Is there a cook book recipe to doing this?  Step 1, step 2 etc?

I think you are probably having a permissions issue. When you preview, you are logged in as an administrative user. Whe you go to your site you are an anonymous user. I remember reading posts about this in the community, but I can’t remember the details. There were issues around org wide defaults of objects, custom sharing permissions, and public user access permissions if I remember. You have to be careful you don’t expose all content records to the site, but allow the site users to upload. I think someone suggested a custom sharing rule that only allows the record to be shared publicly if it doesn’t have a created date. That way, once a public user executes an upload, it will no longer be accessible to the public because it will be assigned a created date.

Not being available after upload would be fine.  Still lost on where to go.

Here it is the post I was talking about:
