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I’m encountering an issue on a page that contains a model that is marked to be cloneable when the page contains a page include component. The exception being thrown is: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘clone_1’ in undefined” This only seems to occur when a Page Include component exists on the page. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create new record detail page for “Contact” marking model as not cloneable, setting max # records to 1 and removing Condition 2) Create new record detail page for “Account” marking model as cloneable if clone parameter exists and adding a Page Include to “Contact” page 3) Preview “Account” page making sure to add clone=1 to URL Actual Behavior Uncaught exception occurs Expected Behavior Page displays properly 🙂 Sample Page I have granted login access to our org. The page names are “SampleCloneInUndefinedIssue” and “SampleCloneInUndefinedIssue_PageInclude”


This is a bug, and I see what’s causing it. We’ll try to get this patched up and out the door as soon as we can.

Awesome, appreciate the update and assistance with all the items today J!

No problem! Thanks for helping us find bugs like this one. By the way, this should be fixed in the next release, due out very soon.

Hey J - I noticed that this is now marked Solved. Downloaded 5.8 and is still seems to be occurring. Can you confirm that this fix was included in the most recent release? Thank you!

It does seem to have missed the last build. I’m not sure why at the moment, but I’ll look into it and get back to you. I’m sorry for the delay.

No worries J, thanks for quick reply and keeping us posted!

OK, the fix for this is in the 5.9 build, made available just now on the Skuid Releases page. I’m sorry for the confusion here, but let me know what you think once you get a chance to try it again.

Hey J - No worries. Just ran through a few test passes with 5.9 and all looks good. Will let you know if I uncover anything but I think we’re all set with this one. Thanks to you and the team for the quick turn-around on this!!
