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I just Upgraded to Banzai and am testing out pages and I am noticing a lot of Save button issues where the actions are failing and my block UI is not going away. After inspecting further it seems that now since Banzai when I load a page then load tab/popup etc that contains another page via page include, I am getting the below error. Once I get the error once, the page session is completely broken until a full refresh. After googling the error I find a lot of people saying that it is due to CSRF and to disable that, I dont think that is a smart choice to disable that.

Why are regular saves getting caught as CSRF errors on the VFRemote.js:85 file? Can someone help with this as it is happening all over my system?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘tid’ of undefined

Looking in Fiddler it seems that Salesforce is returning the following error. It seems the Get that is happening via Skuid is too long (over 1 million). This was not happening Pre-Banzai. Any Ideas?

[{“statusCode”:500,“type”:“exception”,“ref”:false,“action”:“Unknown”,“method”:“Unknown”,“message”:“Input too long. n1, 939731]”,“where”:“”,“data”:“”,“vfTx”:true,“vfDbg”:true}]

It looks like the Get Count is doubled on the request once any page include is loaded in the session.

We talked on the phone with Jarrod about this - and found the issue.  It will be corrected in the next patch release. 

I notice you have console.log() in both snippets.  What does the trace look like when you run with dev tools opened?

Anna.  With another customer we have seen that this error is shown when a javascript remoting call fails because the request size is more than a million bytes.  With this other customer we realized that there was a skuid problem that was doubling the http traffic.  We have fixed this issue and it will be released in the next few days.  So my first reccomendation would be to wait for the new package and see if that corrects matters.  If it doesn’t we’d like to dig in a little deeper and see what is going on.   


I’ll ping you directly when the new package is availalbe. And we’ll dig further if it doesn’t get fixed. 

Sounds Great. Thanks!
