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Pardon me if this issue is already posted. 

We have a consolidated Opportunity skuid page which contains different skuid pages rendered on the basis of recordtype. each page has set of tabs and associated global actions for child records. A tab for task has global action of crating new task which opens a popup wizard. If i preview the child page directly, no error is displayed in console for new task button. 

however, when i preview consolidated page and access new task button, i get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘dialog’ of undefinedskuid.utils.createPopupFromPopupXML @ (program):10
utils.createPopupFromAction @ skuid__SkuidJS:26
d.register.showPopup @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
f.runActionNode @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
m @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
m @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
m @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
m @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
m @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
f.runActionsNode @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
r.actionsDef.children.each.f @ (program):4
r.actionsDef.children.each.l.onSelect @ (program):4
c.selectItem @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
$.fn.(anonymous function) @ skuid__SkuidJS:27
(anonymous function) @ skuid__SkuidJS:30
o.event.dispatch @ skuid__JQuery:3
r.handle @ skuid__JQuery:3

Even though popup opens and all the actions are performed without any error. I am still wondering why this error comes up for consolidated page only. i also removed all the components and kept task tab and global action, still no luck. please let me know why this issue comes for consolidated page only.


Hi Sunny,

Whenever I run into these sorts of issues, it is usually a result of something I have done (or not done).  Yes, I do screw up from time-to-time.  Shh.

Following your line of reasoning, I start peeling back the onion and I usually stumble upon the problem.

Have you opened Developer Tools to see what else may be in the Console?

Are you running as Admin or some other Profile?  

Have you searched the Community for similar posts?


Hi Irvin

Have you opened Developer Tools to see what else may be in the Console? It gives me the script lines which is causing an issue. But no luck with that.

Are you running as Admin or some other Profile?  Admin

Have you searched the Community for similar posts? Similar (not exact error messages) posts are there. I followed one of them to remove components one by one to debug. Finally i had task models and task tab. Still givs me the same error.

var original = skuid.utils.createPopupFromPopupXML;    skuid.utils.createPopupFromPopupXML = function(){
        var dialog = original.apply(this,arguments);
            my: ‘top’,
            at: ‘top+100’,
            of: window

above line (dialog.dialog(‘option’,‘position’,{) gives the error.
