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Hey I have a tab in Skuid under that tab i have included a table for a particular object . Now My requirement is whenever I am selecting a particular row I should get a pop with all related list of that record. I am able to get pop up but i am not able to get data in related list of that particular row.

Hi Rabart,

Have you checked the context tab of the component that is in the pop-up? Look at the context conditions and make sure that the ids are correct in the condition. The field should be the id of the row model (in the related model), while the merge field should be the id of the main model. For example, if I have a table of accounts and I want the pop-up to show related contacts, then the field should be AccountId (from the contact model) and the merge field Id (from the account model).


Yes I have done in that way only.
If you could have a call for 5 mins tomorrow  at 10:30 am IST it would have been great.

Are you querying the models to be used in the popup when clicking on the row action?

Also, depending on the use case and number of records involved, there are two ways of having the records in the models necessary in the popup.

  1. If all the models in the page would never be more than lets say about 1000 records, then I’d be inclined to set all the models to load without restrictions. Then only Context on drawers and popups so that load time is instant.

  2. If the models will load too many records, then querying the models used in the popup is necessary for records not yet loaded. ie. related records to the row in the table. No context is required as querying the related records is likely to only happen once for each record each time the page is loaded. If more than once, I’d use Context and Query get more option.

Hi Rabart,

Does this tutorial… help? I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you’re trying to do but it does have some specific instructions that might be helpful.

