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When I add a panel to my page, I can not edit the panel properties. It’s in a sandbox org. Does anybody know this problem? 7c75b90c80a413ea938fd5e554c8bb0703545bfc.png

Wholly CRAP!!! Confirmed on my org!

Tested on version 27 & 27.1.

I’m working with JG GBC on this requirement and would really like to know if anyone else can confirm this on another or Skuid Dev can investigate.


I’m trying to reproduce this and haven’t been able to yet. So far it seems to be working fine in cs9 (7.27) and cs11 (7.24).  You just add a new panel to the page and then the panel props don’t work?

It’s working for me in cs19 and na9, both running 7.27.1. 

Strange. Not working on my production na16 and client cs81. Can client location/country have anything to do with it? Can’t think of anything else that’s common between the two.

Found the issue. Installed a component that was meant only to be used as a Desktop component.

Setting “Pages available in” to “Desktop only” fixes the issue.


Wow Pat.  You were trying to bend Skuid pretty hard there.   Glad you figured out the issue. 
