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I have a UI-Only model that is supposed to show no matches.

It does show 0 matches but but is not accurately counting the matches, it shows 23


This following is the code:

<skuid__wrapper uniqueid=“sk-22So-384346” overflowY=“auto” styleSettingsVariant=“3e10d5e7-fc56-4a25-b6e2-01289d72fa5d”>


<skuid__text contents="{{I_Mark_Date_of_Service_Finished__c}}&amp;nbsp; ${{Earnings}}&amp;nbsp; {{I_Mark_Description__c}}&amp;nbsp;" uniqueid="sk-22Eh-283085" model="EUdit_Marker_View">

<renderConditions logictype="and"/>



<spacing bottom="1" right="0.5" left="1" top="1"/>





type=“image” datasource=“salesforce” source=“url”


url=“<a href=“””>"

position=“center center” repeat=“repeat”/>

                                           <renderConditions logictype="and">

<renderCondition type="formula" operator="=" fieldmodel="EUdit_Marker_View" sourcetype="fieldvalue" field="I_Path_Id__c" value="" enclosevalueinquotes="true">

<formula>{{{$}}} </formula>





<interaction type="tap">

<action type="showModal">

<skuid__modal width="640px" showCloseIcon="false">


<skuid__text contents="{{<strong>I_Mark_Description__c</strong>}}

Mark Start: {{I_Mark_Date_of_Service_Start__c}}

Mark End:&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Date_of_Service_Finished__c}}&nbsp;

Earnings:&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Project_Rate__c}} by path

Earnings:&nbsp;${{I_Mark_Hourly_Rate__c}} X&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Quantity__c}} = ${{Earnings}}

Approver: {{I_Mark_Decision_By_Name__c}}&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Decision_Date__c}}


Member Name: {{I_Mark_Member_Name__c}}

Signon Name: {{I_Mark_Sign_On_First_Name__c}}&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Sign_On_Last_Name__c}}

Sub Slice:&nbsp;&nbsp;{{I_Mark_Slice_Sub__c}}

{{I_Path_Id__c}}" uniqueid=“sk-23Zv-256155” model=“EUdit_Marker_View” allowHtmlInBuilder=“true”/>



<skuid__button label="Close" uniqueId="sk-23a3-263357" styleSettingsVariant="primary" icon="sk-webicon-ink:circle-close-solid">


<action type="closeTopmostPopup"/>












Hey @Bill ! Quick Question, are you using a deck or table to iterate through the records?

For clarity, what is the desired outcome? were you suppose to get 23 textboxes or no text boxes?

I am using a deck

I believe it should have 3 items. I have tested multiple ways. It seems Displaylogic>Render conditions are not working on a UI_Only table Data source. If there are 23 records in the UI-Only Table and the render condition finds 6 records, it will show values in the 6 matching records but also shows the other records as empty.

Thanks for sharing @Bill ! I will ask around and see if we can find a solution

Here is a link to my sandbox to reproduce.

Here is a video on how to reproduce.

2021-02-12_10-57-16.MP4 - Google Drive
